Our message

We are here to "Love God and love our neighbors.” Our hope is to be a welcoming community where all people can feel at home and become a part of.  We know that we can write all sorts of slogans and statements, so we admit that we are working at becoming the community (church) God has called us to be.   

Here are a few things that you will find at the center of our life-together as a community, and in the preaching here at St Mark:

  • We believe that it is by grace that God loves us and welcomes us into God’s family just the way we are. 
  • We are people who know that we make mistakes and are in need of God’s grace and forgiveness. 
  • We believe that through the work of the Holy Spirit, God invites us to be and become the persons and community God has created us to be. 
  • We believe that God has called this community to be a welcoming place where all people can gather together and grow in our understanding of who God is and who we are called to be.  
  • We believe that each of us are gifted by God to make a difference in this world, and together we can bring a little bit more of God's love and hope into this world.
  • We celebrate the diversity God has created.

OUR MISSION (why are we here?)

We believe we are  “Called and claimed by Jesus to do justice, 

love mercy, and to walk humbly with God”. (Micah 6:8)


OUR VISION (What we want to be about in our daily lives?)

To love God and love our neighbors with hope and joy”’ 

(Matthew 22:36-40)

The  VALUES that shape what we to be about.

Being a WORSHIPPING COMMUNITY where people may gather to give thanks and praise

to God and to be inspired by the love of Jesus.

Being a LEARNING COMMUNITY that is constantly being reshaped by God's Word in Jesus Christ.

Being a WELCOMING community that is constantly being reshaped by God's spirit

Being a GENEROUS community serving and sharing.

Being a voice of JUSTICE in this world

For those who are looking for a church home, we are grateful you are considering St Mark. We know it takes time to select a church, and one of the questions that often goes unasked is "What are the expectations of those who choose to be a member of St Mark? (Everyone at St Mark is working on these). 

  • Worship – to gather weekly to be inspired by Christ, to give thanks and praise, and to be present for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • Grow- read and study scriptures daily to grow in our understanding of who God is and who God is calling us to be.
  • Serve- to use the abilities God has given us to serve in this congregation and the community. 
  • Give-  to give generously, because in giving we are blessed and others are blessed by what God has done for us. 
  • Pray- to have a daily prayer and devotional life. 
  • Build-  to place the mission and unity of this congregation as a high priority in my life.

St Mark Lutheran Church is one of nearly 10,000 churches in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). While a lot of churches claim to be "independent" or "non-denominational", we are grateful for the many brothers and sisters who make up the ELCA and what we believe to be true. We work together in partnership with other ELCA congregations to change lives here in Iowa, across the United States, and throughout the world. While the word “Lutheran” may or may not mean much to you, at St Mark, we know that it connects us to millions of brothers and sisters in Christ across the world who desire to be the voice and hands of Jesus in the world. 

We hope you will Join us for worship, one of our classes, or a community event.  Our door is open.   You may discover St Mark is the place you want to make your church home.